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Books & Audiobooks  

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A novel about the true story of an umarried white planter and his enslaved family’s fight for freedom and inheritance in Ante-Bellum South Carolina. An epic tale of racism, love, and the rule of law, strikingly prescient in view of the current American political climate, and the insidious Ante-bellum rhetoric of White supremacy. A microcosm of the human experiences that made the Civil War both necessary and inevitable.

Kindle $9.99
Paperback $25.99


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The audio  book version of A  Complicated Legacy is narrated by the author, and in the spirit of the American folk tradition of storytelling,  is framed by the music of Eric Bibb singing the inspiring modern gospel song by the late Rev Dan Smith, "Just keep goin' on",

Audiobook $14.95
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Based on a bi-lingual English-Spanish internet radio series of the same name, this book explores the phenomenology of paradigms- what they are, how they work, and how they can change. It examines a wide variety of our most dominant cultural, social and religious paradigms- from misplaced misogyny in the interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve, to dysfunctional models of modern management.  It challenges our presuppositions and expectations, and encourages us to “think outside the box”.

Paperback $14.95
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An exploration of Jesus’ spirituality and practice from an East-West perspective that addresses some of the anomalies and inconsistencies in the traditional Christian interpretation of who Jesus was and is. The objective is to inspire and enliven the spiritual practice of the reader, and the scholarship is reinforced with the personal experience of the author as both an Episcopal priest and his decade of studying and living with a Hindu guru, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa of Ganeshpuri.

Kindle $4.99
Paperback $14.99
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Una exploración de la espiritualidad y práctica de Jesús desde una perspectiva oriental-occidental, se dirige a las anomolías e inconsistencias que se encuentran en la interpretación tradicional de quién era y es Jesús. El objectivo es inspirar y animar a la práctica espiritual del lector, y la erudición en este libro está resbaldada por la experiencia personal del autor por dieciséis años como sacerdote episcopal y una década de estudio intensivo bajo la tutela directa de un guru hindú, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa de Ganeshpuri. 

Paperback $19.90

This book, written in response to the alarming increase in the abuse of world scriptures to justify political violence, was co-authored with a close friend, Sadig Malki, who was the Saudi Representatiive to the European Union. Published in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German in a single volume, it was presented to the European Parliament in 2012.  It looks at the common denominators between faith traditions and the spiritual practices that transcend sect and institutional affiliation, on the assumption that if there is a universal deity or consciousness,  by whatever Name we may choose to address it, that must be discernible and manifest in all cultures and faiths. It encourages people of all faiths to discover the Presence in all peoples and traditions, as a foundation and pre-condition for world peace.

Kindle $1.00

CD Music

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A sampling of chants in many languages and from various traditions, illustrating the use of chant as a meditative practice, and its vibratory power. Whether Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic or Spanish, or English, each is sung in a repetitive cycle, suitable for individual or group practice. Some are ancient hymns, some composed by me for the CD- which was first produced and distributed at the Parliament of the World’s Religions
In Barcelona in 2004. Chant is a trans-cultural transformational tool that combines the physiology of breathing, the resonant  impact of vibration, and  the mental acuity and spiritual upliftment that results from repetitive contemplation of the meaning associated with the lyrics and the sounds produced.

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